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2021.06-至今     沐鸣平台 產業技術研究院專職科研崗

2020.09-2021.06  上海電力大學 特聘教師

2019.09-2020.09  廣東順德西安交通大學研究院 首席科學家

2018.09-2019.09  美國新堡壘能源公司 總工程師

2005.01-2018.09  美國通用電氣公司 高級工程師,主任工程師

1999.01-2004.12  美國雀巢研發中心 工程師、高級工程師

1992.08-1993.12  美國國家強磁場實驗室 磁體研發工程師

1987.07-1992.07  中國科沐鸣等離子體物理研究所 助理研究員

1982.07-1984-08  鄭州電力學校 教師


1996.06-1998.12  康奈爾大學 環境於生物工程 博士研究生

1995.06-1996.06  佛羅裏達州立大學 機械工程 博士研究生

1994.06-1995.06  佛羅裏達農工大學 工業工程 碩士研究生

1984.09-1987.07  中國科沐鸣 核能工程 碩士研究生

1978.09-1982.07  華中工沐鸣 電氣工程 本科學習



1. 世界上第一個實現電磁場和流體傳熱的耦合解用來研究微波加熱現象🧑🏻‍🦼,拓寬了人們關於微波加熱的認知🎨。該研究獲國際會議論文競賽頭獎,得到世界主流媒體的報導👧🏼。

2. 世界上第一個開發了以CFD非定常模型為主的方法來預測控製閥振動噪音並在現場實驗中得了到驗證。在GE該方法成功地用於解決了多個現場工程技術問題。

3. 作為世界上最大的高強穩態磁場實驗臺的主要研發人員,負責設計了世界上最大的穩態水冷磁體的總體結構並承擔了結構和溫度場分析。


1. 束國剛👉🏻,張華🐛,米文真. 重朔經濟和逆變全球變暖氣候變化之路. 上海大學出版社,2021🏊🏽,ISBN 978-5671-4212-1.

2. Syrinx Lotus(Hua Zhang),The Way to Transfer Economy and Reverse Climate Change🚣🏽‍♀️💅🏻,Amazon, 2019.

3. H. Zhang and A. K. Datta, ‘Electromagnetics of Microwave Heating: Magnitude and Uniformity of Energy Absorption in an Oven’ in ‘Handbook of Microwave Technology for Food Applications’, Ed. By A. K. Datta and R. Anantheswaran, Marcel Dekker, New York, 2001.


1. H. Zhang and A. K. Datta, ‘Coupled Electromagnetics and Thermal Modeling of Microwave Processing of Foods’, Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy, Vol. 35, No3, 2000.

2. H. Zhang and A. K. Datta, ‘Electromagnetics, Heat Transfer, Thermokinetics in Microwave Sterilization’, AIChE Journal, Vol. 47, No. 9, 2001.

3. H. Zhang and A. Datta, ‘Microwave Power Absorptions in Single and Multi-component Food Materials’ IChem, Vol 81, Part C, Page 257-265, Sept. 2003. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960308503703800)

4. H. Zhang and A. K. Datta, ‘Heating Concentrations of Microwave in Spherical and Cylindrical Foods. Part One: In Plane Wave’, Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy, IChem, Vol 83, 2005. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960308505704582)

5. H. Zhang and A. K. Datta, ‘Heating Concentrations of Microwave in Spherical and Cylindrical Foods. Part Two: In a Cavity’, Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy, IChem, Vol 83, 2005. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960308505704594)

6. M. D. Bird, Y. M. Eyssa, B. Gao, H. Zhang, 'Design, Construction of 12 MW Magnet at the NHMFL', IEEE Trans. on Magn., Vol. 30, No. 4, 2200 (1994)

7. M. D. Bird, H. Zhang et al., 'Design of Resistive Insert for the NHMFL 45 T Hybrid Magnet', IEEE Trans. on Magn., Vol. 30, No. 4, 2192 (1994)

8. L. Swanson, H. Zhang, D. Byrd, ISOTHERMAL PHYSICAL FLOW MODELING OF A GAS TURBINE SIMPLE-CYCLE SELECTIVE-CATALYTIC-REDUCTION (SCR) SYSTEM, Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Summer Heat Transfer Conference, July 14-19, 2013, Minneapolis, MN, USA❓。


1. Hua Zhang, David Trayhan, ‘The Mixing of Water and Diesel Fuel at Close Proximity of Combustion Cans in GE 9HA.01’s Emulsification System’, PowerGen International, Las Vegas, December 09 2015

2. H. Zhang, A. K. Datta, ‘Distributions of Heating Potentials inside Spherical Shaped Foods in Electromagnetic Fields’, Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting, Chicago, 1999.

3. H. Zhang, A. K. Datta, ‘Electromagnetic and Thermal Modeling of Microwave Processing of Foods’, ASAE Annual meeting, Toronto, 1999.

4. H. Zhang, A. K. Datta and I. Taub, ‘Numerical Modeling and Experimental Maker Formation for Verification of Microwave Sterilization’, 33rd Microwave Power Symposium, Chicago, July 1998.

5. H, Yang, H. Zhang, and et al., ‘Effectiveness of Metallic Shielding on the Uniformity of Microwave Heating’, 33rd Microwave Power Symposium, Chicago, July 1998.

6. H. Zhang, A. K. Datta and I. Taub, ’Microwave Sterilization: Modeling and Experimental Study of Non-Uniformity’, Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting, Atlanta, 1998.

7. H. Zhang and A. K. Datta, ‘Microwave Heating Patterns as Affected by Food Placements Inside An Oven’, Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting, Atlanta, 1998.

8. H. Zhang and A. K. Datta, ‘The effects of temperature dependent dielectric properties in microwave heating’, 32nd Microwave Power Symposium, Ottawa, Canada, July 1997.

9. H. Zhang and A. K. Datta, ‘Predicting Non-uniformity for Microwaveable Foods:Couping of the Electromagnetic Field and Heat Transfer’, The Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, June, 1997.

10. C. Zhang, J. Spoerre, H. Zhang, 'Design Optimization for Resin Transfer Molded Parts', Second ISSAT in International Conference on Reliability & Quality in Design, Orlando, Florida, USA, March 1995

11. B. Gao, H. Zhang, et al., 'The Design, Construction and Test of 20 T Hybrid Magnet in Hefei', The Third National Symposium on Magnet Technology, Hefei, China, June 1992

12. H. Zhang, et al., 'Water Cooling System for 20 T Hybrid Magnet System' The Second Symposium on Magnet Technology, Hefei, China, September 1989


1. Hua Zhang. Blade with parallel corrugated surfaces on inner and outer surfaces. US10,436,037.

2. Hua Zhang, Seth Harmon Chapman🕜,System and method for turbomachinery rotor and blade prognostics and diagnostics,US10🩲,519🏒,964👩🏻‍🦼‍➡️。

3. Zhang⛓️‍💥,Hua👳‍♂️; Erickson, Dean🗻; Michalski, Michael;  Seale👷🏿‍♀️🛍, Jason😆; Childers; Priscilla,Predictive model based control system for heavy duty gas turbines,US7,837,429

4. Zhang⇨,Hua;Eluripati💇🏼🛰, Ravi; Ball🪬😭, David; Variable geometry ejector⏱,US8,142,169

5. Zhang Hua🥭, Erickson  Dean,  Seale Jason,Turbine case impingement cooling for heavy duty gas turbines👗,US8,801,370

6. Zhang Hua, Beadie Douglas, Myers Geoffrey, Codron Fabien, Boardman Gregory,System for turbine combustor fuel assembly,US9,188,061


1. 2017年GE 電力事業部分析和軟件挑戰賽冠軍

2. GE電力事業部工程師周優秀工程師獎; 2014年

3. GE 亞裔員工協會 2012年度卓越技術獎

4. 2007年度GE APAF國家商業理念競賽決賽入圍者;

5. GE總經理獎2006;

6. 1998年度國際食品技術大會研究生研究論文競賽第一名;

7. 中國科沐鸣1993年度“合肥20個特斯拉混合磁體”科學進步一等獎。

8. 1991年度🚴🏻‍♂️,中國科沐鸣 “十三特斯拉水冷磁體的研製” 科學進步二等獎













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